Sunday 10 June 2012

Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

I went to see Coldplay last night (09/06/2012) and it was rather spectacular. Interesting decision playing "99 Problems" before they came on, followed by what I'm told was the "Back to the Future" theme - worked surprisingly well though. They also kindly provided the crowd with wristbands which lit up as part of the show - pretty genius idea really as it looked rather amazing. I took a few photos and a couple of videos, which you can see here.

It took about two hours to get there (via a quick trip to McDonald's for some sustenance) and only a mere two hours to travel the first 8 miles (followed by another quick trip to the same McDonald's for some more sustenance), with the rest of the journey taking a further 2 hours. Despite the 6 hour journey time, it was certainly worth it.

As exams are now in full swing, I haven't had much chance to do anything of particular interest for the rest of the week (although you could argue Coldplay more than made up for it), however I did receive this rather prestigious award earlier in the week, which now takes pride of place on my wall, just next to the certificate for catching all 150 original Pokémon. A spectacular array of awards I've built up so far.
Almost the highlight of the week
If you don't want to know the F1 results, then I've kindly hidden them, but if you already know them or don't mind having them spoilt you can always

Within the news/reams of stories I've seen this week, I feel this one to be the most interesting. It's a toothbrush. And a water fountain. Sign me up.

It is now 2 weeks before I take part in the Great North Swim and can announce that my wetsuit has now arrived and even fits. I say 'fits'. It's like playing with a Chinese Finger Trap trying to get it on and off and is not the most flattering piece of kit I own. I digress. I would like to quickly add that, for those who don't know, I am indeed taking part in the swim to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care and you can donate here and they are extremely appreciated.

"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Now get back to the revision! :-)


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